CCW Course

Sign up for our Two-Day NRA Concealed Carry Classes (includes range time)

A typical concealed carry permit class covers critical topics such as firearm safety, responsible gun handling, and specific laws and regulations that we abide by here in Oregon. This CCW course is NRA certified meaning that it covers off on all the minimum requirements set for every state. Students will receive instruction on proper shooting techniques, marksmanship, and strategies for self-defense situations. Additionally, our class includes practical exercises to help assess your ability to safely and effectively carry a concealed firearm.

NRA Certified CCW/CHL Course Details:

  • Full two day course $350 per day *range fees may apply
  • Price includes targets and Personal Protection and Basics of Pistol Shooting handbooks
  • To register, $80 deposit required to confirm a seat (See payment page for further instructions)
  • Minimum class size of three students
  • 1st day classroom approximately  7-8 hours
  • 2nd day 4 hours classroom – 4 hours live fire range time (times are approximate)

What to Bring to Class:

  • Unloaded firearm in its case with the firearm instruction booklet (if available)
  • 300 rounds of ammunition that matches your firearm
  • Proper eye and ear protection
  • Cleaning kit (if you don’t have one yet we will provide one to use)
  • Notebook
  • Food, drinks, snacks
  • Drivers license or state or government photo ID – required for State of Oregon
  • Range day: Proper attire and footwear for outdoor live fire practice
  • For further information on class structure, see About our Classes page

Oregon CCW/CHL Requirements

Our course satisfies the requirements for Deschutes County to apply for your CCW/CHL license at the Deschutes County Sheriff Office. This is a fifty state recognized NRA CCW course which has been carefully structured to meet and exceed minimum state requirements. You will need to apply in each state you wish to obtain a permit from. It is highly worthwhile to take advantage of the wealth of information you will learn in the full length course, as well as the live fire component.

Firearms Safety: You will learn about the main causes of firearms accidents. You will learn the three fundamental NRA rules for safe gun handling that apply when carrying or using a concealed weapon. We will discuss the importance of carrying and using a pistol responsibly and ethically. You will learn the techniques for storing a pistol safely.

Pistol Nomenclature and Pistol Selection: Learning objectives: Identify the two main types of pistols. Identify the main components of a pistol, and the criteria for a selecting a pistol suited to you for your defensive needs.

Ammunition Knowledge and Defensive Ammunition Selection

  • Identify the different components of a pistol cartridge
  • How to properly identify and store ammunition
  • Identify the major types of pistol ammunition and the difference between practice ammo and defensive ammunition
  • We will also discuss additional accessories for concealed carry

Basic Defensive Pistol Skills: You will learn the fundamentals of marksmanship including the elements of a good shooting position and they can change in a defensive encounter. We will discuss defensive accuracy and the difference between cover and concealment, including examples of each.

Drawing from Concealment: Explain and demonstrate the technique for safely presenting and holstering a concealed pistol.

Loading and Stoppage Remediation: Your instructor will demonstrate emergency reloading and will identify and explain types of stoppage. Your instructor will explain and demonstrate immediate actions drills.

Carry Modes and Pistol Concealment: Identify benefits and limitations of the various concealment modes. Explain the basic principles of pistol concealment.

Mindset and Awareness: Discuss the levels of mental awareness. Explain the importance of mental preparation and developing the proper mindset for carrying and using a pistol for personal protection. Explain techniques for avoiding life-threatening confrontations. Explain the psychological and physiological changes that may occur during an attack. Explain the difference between armed self-defense in the home and outside the home. Explain and demonstrate techniques for controlling and responding to a violent encounter. Talk about the emotional, legal and social aftermath of a defensive shooting.

Firearms Cleaning and Maintenance: You will disassemble your pistol and be shown how to properly clean and maintain it. Then reassemble.

 Actual Range Practice: You will have time for actual live fire training. Please plan for approximately 4-5 hours at the Redmond Rod and Gun Club.